Spring into Action - Time for Spring Preparation


While Punxsutawney Phil may have seen his shadow to allude to 6 more weeks of winter, spring is quickly approaching and in some parts of the country its already here. March ushers in a season of change – weather starts to warm, trees are blooming, daylight savings starts, and spring officially begins. With all this new, comes an instinctive need to prepare for the warmer weather whether its spring cleaning or preparing your garden for planting, we have several tips to help you spring into action!

Why should you spring clean?

Spring cleaning is an annual tradition in many cultures, where people deep clean their homes and declutter their belongings. While some people may see it as just another chore, there are several reasons why spring cleaning is beneficial:

  1. Improved indoor air quality: Over time, dust, allergens, and other pollutants can accumulate in your home, leading to poor indoor air quality. Spring cleaning can help reduce these pollutants, which can improve your health and well-being.

  2. Reduced stress and anxiety: A cluttered and disorganized home can cause stress and anxiety, making it difficult to relax and feel comfortable. Spring cleaning can help create a clean and organized space, which can help reduce stress and improve your mood.

  3. Increased productivity: A clean and organized home can also help improve productivity. When your home is cluttered and disorganized, it can be difficult to focus on tasks or find what you need. Spring cleaning can help create a more functional and efficient space, which can help you be more productive.

  4. Preparation for the rest of the year: Spring cleaning is also an opportunity to prepare your home for the rest of the year. By decluttering and deep cleaning your home, you'll be able to start the year with a fresh slate and a clean, organized space.

Overall, spring cleaning is a great way to improve your living space, reduce stress, and improve your health, well-being and impact on the environment. And what better time to clear out those non-eco-friendly home products and switch to compostable products like cups, disposable plates and bowls, resealable bags and even doggie bags!

When should I prepare my garden?

Spring is also a good time to start preparing your garden, however, the best time to start preparing your garden depends on several factors, such as your location, climate, and the plants you plan to grow. However, the best time to start preparing your garden is in the early spring, a few weeks before the last frost date in your area.

During this time, you can start by clearing any debris, dead plants, or weeds from your garden beds, and then loosening the soil with a garden fork or tiller. You can also add organic matter, such as compost or well-rotted manure, to improve the soil's fertility and structure. Check out our previous blog post about composting here.

If you plan to start your plants from seeds, you can start them indoors a few weeks before the last frost date, so they'll be ready to transplant when the weather warms up. You can also start planning your garden layout and selecting the plants you want to grow.

If you live in a milder climate, you may be able to start preparing your garden earlier in the year. On the other hand, if you live in a colder climate, you may need to wait until later in the spring to avoid damage from late frosts. Checking with your local agricultural extension service can provide more specific information and guidelines for your area.

Spring is a great time to reflect, refresh and reset your mind and body. Cleaning can be good stress-relief and exercise. It can also be an opportunity to get the whole family involved and create a sense of renewal and freshness in your home and garden. With the start of daylight savings time on March 12, it’s the perfect time to change your clock and refresh your stock with Earth’s Natural Alternative eco-friendly products. We have a wide range of compostable, earth-friendly products that make a positive impact on the environment.

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