Climate Change
The realities of Climate Change are slowly catching up to us. We are aware of what might happen if changes aren’t made, but we might not know what to change in our daily lives. Each challenge that we face doesn’t have to be hopeless and small changes can make a difference
The recent United Nations assessment illustrates that due to a loss of biodiversity one million plant and animal species are at risk of becoming endangered if we don’t make changes in how we live. Biodiversity is important because it is how species interact with each other using symbiotic relationships. These interactions are what causes things such as plants creating oxygen and bees pollinating in order for fruits or nuts to produce and directly affect ecosystems that are tied to human well-being.
Here are a few steps an individual can take to make a big impact against Climate Change.
Talk to your representatives and sign as many petitions as you can. Make your voice heard.
As much as it may not seem like it your representatives takes into account all of the letters, emails and phone calls they get. This helps them to know what the majority of the population wants. If you want your representative to vote for or against a particular bill then speak up.
Consume less energy in your daily life.
Consuming less energy isn’t easy, but it is doable. Think about cutting down on the length of your showers or not leaving your lights on when you aren’t home. Try walking or biking instead of driving. Learn how to recycle and what to recycle. Don’t leave the sink water running when brushing your teeth or doing dishes. Use reusable water bottles instead of buying plastic bottles. Consider changing your appliances to energy efficient ones. Taking small steps in your day to day life can really make an impact.
Shop sustainable and use local farmers
Buy products that are sustainable, green and recycled. Buying products that are compostable or are made from recycled materials will reduce the amount of fossil fuels being released into the air each day. Avoid purchasing items made from plastic or non-recyclable materials.
Purchasing food from local farmers means the food you consume didn’t travel thousands of miles to get to you. If everyone bought locally it would cut down on the amount of carbon dioxide transportation puts into the air each day. If you are not able to shop locally consider growing a garden in your backyard or from your window.
Switch your electricity to energy efficient options.
Often times your electric company is the middle man and doesn’t create the electricity you use. They typically have a list of companies they use and will allow you to choose which one you’d prefer. Most offer you the option to use energy efficient electricity. It may cost slightly more than the fossil fuel electricity, but it will make a huge impact if we all switched over.
Call your electricity company to find out what energy efficient options they have. You should also find out which company is currently supplying your electricity and do the research on them. If they do not offer an energy efficient option, make sure to search for energy efficient companies in your area.